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Where to use floriculture LED lighting in 2022?

2022-05-25 By hqt

Firstly, plants require a lot of light for photosynthesis and growth. Even installing windows does not provide the light intensity that plants need. The best solution is to use specially designed floricultural LED lighting grow lights. Not all types are suitable for your home plants.

floriculture LED lighting

 Before buying a light, consider the following factors to gain more experience in choosing the right LED grow lights for your garden.

Experience buying LED grow lights

Table of Contents

  • 1 Light intensity and efficiency
  • 2 Light duration
  • 3 Spectral light of LED grow lights
  • 3.1 Blue
  • 3.2 Green
  • 3.3 Red
  • 4 Clearly define the purpose of using lights:
  • 4.1 Using floriculture LED lighting to maintain plants’ life
  • 4.2 Using LED lights for the purpose of stimulating plant growth
  • 5 Dimensions of the planting space

Light intensity and efficiency

You can choose lights based on light intensity in two ways: by brightness and by the distance between the bulb and the leaves of the plant. Choose from LEDs that emit less heat, use less electricity, emit light that lasts 5 times longer than fluorescent bulbs, and don’t contain any mercury.

Choose to buy LED grow lights based on intensity and performance

Regular incandescent bulbs should not be used on plants as they give off a lot of heat and can burn the foliage. Using efficient l floriculture LED lighting means less energy is lost due to the light’s heat loss, thereby helping you save on monthly electricity bills.

Floriculture LED lighting duration

Scientists often classify plants according to the influence of light to flower into three groups: long day plants, short day plants, neutral plants (can flower in both short and long day conditions, as long as the tree has a certain level of growth.

Light duration of LED grow lights

Night time is a decisive time for the flowering response of plants. Therefore, a long-day plant is a short-night plant, and a short-day plant is a long night tree. It is bases on the floriculture LED lighting for flowering of your houseplants to choose a lamp with the appropriate light output.

Spectral light of LED grow lights

What is the wavelength of green blue?

Blue light is emitted at color temperatures from 5000K to 6000K or wavelengths from 400 to 500 nm, which is the best color for the growing and growing stage or the beginning of seeding.

 This color band helps in leaf development and stimulates the production of secondary pigments in the leaves, thereby increasing the color and aroma of the plants, suitable for use in lettuce and other crops with short growth.

What is the wavelength green?

Green light usually has a wavelength of 540nm, which uses during the dark cycle of plants because it does not trigger photosynthesis, especially useful if your plants need longer periods of night time, in the morning.

The outstanding advantages of growing plants with floriculture LED lighting, people often wonder where to buy lights. A perfect suggestion to answer that question is to buy at Muizlux – a supplier of solar electrical equipment and also LED lights for indoor plants

Color temperature and wave length of Red

The red light color band emits a color temperature of 2000K to 3000K with wavelengths from 640 to 680 nm, commonly used during the most important stage of the plant, which is flowering. Red light is often used to signal that there are no other plants on it that can grow unhindered, thereby promoting stem growth and overall plant height.

In particular, they also encourage the production of chlorophyll and fruit, suitable for prolonging the light cycle of long-day plants and vice versa for short-day plants.

Clearly define the purpose of using the lights

It is necessary to clearly determine what the purpose of the floriculture LED lighting is to use in order to choose the lamp with the appropriate light wavelength. It’s best to check your crop needs. Some plants need full light or higher while others need low light.

 If your plants are sensitive to strong light, you cannot waste your money on bright LEDs that will dry out or burn your plants.

Use LED lights to maintain plants’ life

It is best to use floriculture LED lighting with two fixed spectral wavelengths with Blue of 460nm and Red of 660nm. It has Additional lighting time for plants from 10 to 12 hours a day.

floriculture LED lighting 2022

Since indoor plants are usually mature, you only need to illuminate and provide basic spectrum light to help the plant maintain life and develop normally without growing too fast or requiring regulation. .

Using LED lights for the purpose of stimulating plant growth

For this need, you should use floriculture LED lighting grow lights with many spectral wavelengths with the blue wave band from 425 to 475 nm and the red wave range from 620 to 730 nm with a green-red ratio suitable for the plant group.

Not only that, you need to rely on the light cycle of the plant (long or short) that decides how much time to light the plant in a day to stimulate and regulate the growth to flower, sooner or later for the plant as well as the growth process of the tree.

Size of the planting space

Before buying floriculture LED lighting, you need to measure the length and width of your garden, and then divide your growing space into areas to determine the number of lights you need. The principle of lamp selection is to emit light with an actual power of 32W per square foot (about 0.093 square meters) to grow flowers or other large flowering plants, but for optimal results.

Then this should be over 50W and possibly up to 80W. If you measure the size of your growing space as 16 square feet (about 1.5m²) then you need to buy lights with at least 500 to 550W suitable.

 You can find the illumination area of ​​each lamp on each product label. Can refer to the reference table of planting areas corresponding to the appropriate number of Watt:

Clearly define the purpose of using LED grow lights

It is possible to choose the type of floriculture LED lighting with a ratio of wavelengths to blue and red colors suitable for different groups of plants to help plants photosynthesize and grow normally.

LED grow lights specialize in providing a simulated light source similar to sunlight, helping your plants to photosynthesize and grow healthy. There are many models available today with different advantages and disadvantages.

Lastly, the benefits of using floriculture LED lighting, you can refer to the article below to answer the question “Where to buy LED grow lights?”



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