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Greenhouse Lighting Layout- An Essential Guide to Designing It Better

2021-12-17 By hqt

Greenhouse Lighting Layout- An Essential Guide to Designing It Better

Want to design your greenhouse and want a good Greenhouse Lighting Layout that is better then don’t worry because is providing you with such layouts which can be a perfect choice for you.

Greenhouse Lighting Layout is basically the first step in which you need to design the best lighting solution that meets the energy demand and evaluate the energy and maintenance saving potential to convert to artificial lights.

Greenhouse Lighting Layout matters to get better and on-point results regarding grow patch growth and yield. As a matter of fact, lighting is the key to plant growth. Creating customized greenhouse lighting systems using the latest agriculture technologies to be the right partner in getting what you want for your greenhouse yield. Agritech has now become advanced so much over the years that it can now assist you in managing environmental factors and climate conditions. Effectively protecting your greenhouse from the risk of pests and sun damage. Provides all the benefits of lighting.

How will your crop respond to artificial lighting?

Though, greenhouse lighting must be enhanced before it can produce the right results. You can’t just put some lights in the corner and be optimistic for the best results. You have to consider factors like energy saving, shadow effects, imitating sunlight changes like at dawn and dusk, and managing time. These are the aspects that will affect how well your crop responds to your light. And will help you refine your greenhouse layout and investment to get the best possible results. Given that the growing global demand for food cannot be met by conventional farming methods alone. Agricultural technology and greenhouses have become essential investments in the future of the planet.

How much supplemental lighting do you need for your Greenhouse Lighting Layout?

Greenhouses typically need up to six hours of direct sunlight or full-spectrum light on a daily basis. If this is not possible due to different climate conditions to be done naturally, supplemental or artificial lighting must be integrated. The most common supplemental light for greenhouses used to produce crops is 350 to 500-foot candles (equivalent to 46 to 66 μmol∙m-2∙s-1 from HPS lamps). High light intensity is mostly used in the production of greenhouse vegetables. Supplemental lighting is the use of different, high-intensity artificial lights that are required for crop growth and yield.

Ways to control light levels in a greenhouse

For crops that use low light and specific applications such as rooting cuttings, shade is used as a means of limiting total sun radiation. Outdoor shading has the benefit of soaking up and throwing light energy back before it enters the confined greenhouse, incandescence the air and all enclosed matter.

Ideal distance of grow lights from each other in a greenhouse

You should keep your greenhouse lightened up and provide your plants with the actual amount of light they need for photosynthesis. It can ideally be done by placing your grow lights at the right distance from each other. So that the same amount of light can reach every corner. Your lights should space 4′ apart from each other. That will mostly be an ideal norm to shoot for, but wattage, size, and footprint may vary. So choose the one that can work for your greenhouse better.

What should be the Shading structure of your greenhouse:

Shading structure is obligatory to limit harmful radiations and strong sun rays. Basically, your plants need to stay cool especially in the scorching summer hot season. So, shading provides a small amount of light that is useful for your plants to grow better.

Impact of Glass & Glazing on your greenhouse

Glass and glazing are the key factors for your crops to grow fast. Because they function properly and provide the best results as they favor perfect and even light to pass through it and reach your plants. Glazing is a covering around your greenhouse often made of polycarbonate, polycarbonate, poly-film or glass. Ideally, people do prefer glass because of its see-through or transparent quality. The rest of the two is quite translucent but they all function, in the same way. To diffuse sunlight because of the glazing layer as glazing functions to make sure even and optimum light levels reach the growing patches. And no patch leave behind to get enough light.   

How does your lighting layout matter for the greenhouse plants

Supplemental lights in a greenhouse are the better way to keep your plant energetic and get a higher yield rate. These lights play an important role to save your plants from being deprived of sunlight, during short days and long nights. It will be a perfect replacement for the sun. These supplemental lights can provide your plants with the right levels of light. They provide light not only during long wintery nights but whenever you put them on. They will act the same way to compensate for sunlight.

How to design a good layout of supplemental lights in a greenhouse?

First, you need to determine the growth patch requirement of light, what type of supplemental light ideally works for your plants, the color of these supplemental lights, go for full-spectrum lights, or blue and red wavelength as plants need these lights in high amounts. Place these lights at 4inches distance from one another. Make sure your plant isn’t light-deprived. Choose the right wattage that provides much light. And heat generation from these lights should be negligible as this heat is not good for your plants. By following all these basic points you will see a huge difference in your patch growth, whether it’s flowering, fruiting, or size progression.


From all the above-mentioned information, we can put this into the final words: choosing the right kind of light, spacing it correctly, the wattage that provides your plant enough light required for healthy growth and farms yield. We can provide you with the best light layouts to provide a better layout to nourish your plant. Shop from will give you an overwhelming joy for the product quality you want to have. 

Also Read: Greenhouse Lighting For Vertical Farming— Everything You Need To Know About



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