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Why is Vertical Farming Important in Indoor Growing?

2022-05-17 By hqt

Vertical Farming

Vertical farming is one of the most searched ones on Google. The term is so sought after in Europe. The search engine itself already suggests search complements for you, such as LED grow light, LED grow full spectrum, LED grow Samsung, among others.

Laboratory area: for tests LED grow technologies

Interestingly, the term LED grow by itself doesn’t mean much. It is an expression that became popular in Europe. In other words, when we are talking about LED grow, in a simple translation. It is as if we were talking about “Vertical farming”. Therefore, representing equipment (usually a panel) made with a type of LED lighting and designed especially for the indoor cultivation of vegetables.

In Europe, for example, LED grow is used in more complex crops or more susceptible to the action of the environment, such as:

  • Tomatoes
  •  Strawberries
  • Legumes
  • Succulents
  •  Foliage
  •  herbs and flowers in general.

Quantum Board Master Plants: an example of LED grow

When buying LED grow lighting, it is necessary to compare not only the prices of the panels, but follow some factors:

  • mainly types
  •  sizes
  •  actual consumption
  •  lamp power

In summary, it is necessary to understand the technology to know which is the best grow LED.

In Vertical farming, there are many specifications and variations. This even allows you to start to understand the reason for the related terms suggested by Google when searching for LED grow, such as light, full spectrum, cob, 1000W, 28W, 100W, 300W, 600W among others.

So, start learning now with this special content about LED grow!

LED grow: first of all, what is LED?

To begin with, the first explanation that we think is cool to put here is what LED is.

Quickly, LED can be conceptualized as a semiconductor electronic component. The acronym LED, by the way, stands for “Light Emitting Diode”, or “Light Emitting Diode”. You may not know very well what this is. But know that in the computer you use there is this same technology. Diodes conduct electrical energy.

Vertical farming has the incredible ability to transform electrical energy into LIGHT. Well, even then you can say, and with good reason: “Wow, but every light bulb does that!”.

It turns out that the LED does this without having to use metallic filaments, ultraviolet radiation, gas discharge. In LED, this transformation of electrical energy into light takes place in matter.

Indoor plant cultivation: what does one have to do with the other?

The LED invented in 1963 by electrical engineer Nick Holon-yak and since then it has gone through several increments.

In this sense, the use of LED for cultivation, or LED grow, was a natural consequence due to the numerous advantages of this technology for the development of plants.

Vertical farming: get to know the component of an LED Panel

Vertical Farming 2022

A grow LED Panel depends on several components to function. However, one of them considers the heart of the LED Panel: It is the semiconductor CHIP, which has very small dimensions (millimeters) and is responsible for generating the light in the LED grow panel.

This is why the term Samsung appears so often in searches related to LED grow, as Samsung is currently the manufacturer of the most efficient CHIP in the world for indoor growing. The CHIP LM301H, created by the brand specifically for horticulture purposes.

If you are looking for Vertical farming in the most professional standards in the world, then surely the very first thing you should ask your supplier is. Does it come with a Samsung LM301H CHIP?

Why is lighting so important in indoor growing?

Without light, the plant does not photosynthesize. And without photosynthesis the plant does not produce the energy needed to develop. This is where the problem begins and at the same time the solution that explains the size of the importance of LED grow lighting technologies for indoor cultivation.

In indoor cultivation, obviously, the gardener will not have sunlight for plant photosynthesis. Therefore, Vertical farming technology has been evolving year by year to be able to create CHIPs that can get as close as possible to the characteristics of sunlight in controlled environments.

Continuing our view on LED grow, now that you have an idea about what an LED panel is and its main component, the semiconductor CHIP, you need to understand the basics of flowering and photoperiod.

After all, as we have just said. All the technology and research necessary for the development of LED lighting for indoor plant cultivation arises exactly from this area of ​​knowledge. Since the purpose of the Vertical farming is to be as efficient as possible in terms of supplying light to plants.

Just as the day alternates with the night in the open, the gardener, in indoor cultivation, will have the mission of simulating light and darkness. As both exert fundamental functions for the development of the plant. This is what we call photoperiod. The plant’s relationship with the time of exposure to light and darkness.

One of the measurement areas of Master Plants technologies

Depending on the needs of the plant during its vegetative period, for example, about eighteen hours of light and six hours of darkness need. In some cases, these hours need to uninterrupted and without loss of intensity.

Did you catch the vision of how much precision Vertical farming technology needs to guarantee for the maximum efficiency desired in indoor cultivation?

In summary, keeping the lighting controlled through a quality LED grow panel is a guarantee of success in this process. You will need to alternate light and dark cycles with absolute precision of time, color spectrum and light intensity. You can do it according to your goals and the stage of the plan.



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