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● Fully schedule your crop growth cycle from seed to harvest;
● Different lighting per growth phase;
● Easily adapt light for new crops without installing new lights;
● Predictable production year-round.
Innovative farming technologies mean that plants can now be grown in indoor environments without sunlight. This cultivation process, known as vertical farming or city farming, is ideal for propagating young plants, cultivating full crops, and growing healthier, pesticide-free crops. It maximizes production by using ground-breaking vertical farming lighting to light multiple layers of crops, achieving a higher yield with a smaller footprint.
In addition, users can change the spectrum, timing, and dimming levels to provide precise light intensity and lighting duration during each growth stage Muizlux SV Series LED grid lighting provides spectrum switching,10-100% dimming, and 1-24 hour cycle time to support every stage of plant growth, from reproduction to flowering, guiding one or several positions at a time via touch screen and LCD display.